Please complete if requested to do so by your Clinician. CLANGERS is a widely used support and self-help program Guildhall Surgery has adopted for patients who are prescribed opiates for non-cancer pain. The individual elements of CLANGERS are: (C)ONNECT, (L)EARN, (A)CTIVE, (N)OTICE, (G)IVE BACK, (E)AT WELL, (R)ELAX, (S)LEEP Within each of these elements of the program we assist our patients to better understand how their pain can be managed without increasing, and maybe even reducing, their intake of opiates which is desirable as it is understood that the effect of opiates in providing pain relief is time limited whilst long-term use of opiates is also damaging. If you are asked to complete this form as part of the CLANGERS process please provide us with as much information as possible to help us to help you.

Last Updated: 23/04/2021

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