Contact Us

Contact Us

All 'Contact Us' requests should now be made through the administration facility at eConsult.

To use this facility please follow this link eConsult - Contact Us

This facility is available Monday-Friday, 7am to 2.30pm excluding bank holidays.


Surgery Access

Guildhall Surgery operates in the same building that it has been in for over 40-years and unfortunately that does come with some access constraints.

Whilst our clincians work on a number of different floors we do not have a lift and it is in fact impossible to install one. But dont worry. If you appointment is with a clinician upstairs and you can't get there easily just let us know and we will make arrnagments to see you on the ground floor - we just ask a little patience if there is a short delay.

If you are using a wheelchair, or indeed a motorised buggy, they will all be able to get through the front door even if it's a tight squeeze for the very biggest.

To alleivate these problems the partners of Guildhall Surgery have long sought to find new accommodation but a number of projects have failed to materialise. However, we are currently in discussions on a new plan and we hope that in due course we and all ourpatients will have the standard of facility we deserve.


65 – 69 Guildhall Street
CT20 1EJ
Day Opening hours
Monday 31 March
8:30am to 1pm
2pm to 8:30pm