Patient Participation Group (PPG) Sign-Up

If you would like to join our PPG, please complete this form and submit it to us by clicking on the submit button at the bottom of the form.

Last Updated: 15/08/2022

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The Guildhall Surgery PPG Charter

Who are we?

We are volunteer patients who work with the managers and clinicians at Guildhall Surgery to support and promote the best possible health care for all patients.

What do we do?

We act as the patients’ “voice” in seeking to influence the service which the GP Practice gives to its community.

• We consult with the GP Practice on the development and provision of community needs

• We contribute to and are kept informed of GP Practice decisions

• We promote the needs of the community by encouraging and supporting activities within the GP Practice to encourage preventative medicine and healthy lifestyle choices

• We share news of the work of the PPG with the community

• We ensure that patient information and advice are readily available and clearly presented

Who Can Join the PPG?

Any registered patient of Guildhall Surgery over the age of 18 may become a member of the PPG. Our PPG will include varied ages, experiences and backgrounds, so we all bring something different to the PPG.

How will the GP Practice be Represented?

A Practice Partner and a designated senior representative of the Practice Management team will attend all meetings. Other GP Practice staff, including clinicians, may attend.

How often does the PPG meet?

We meet at least every 3 months: days and times are varied to enable members to attend. Where face to face meetings are not possible, the Group meets using video call technology.

What are the Ground rules?

PPG members appoint a Chairperson, for two years. The role of the Chairperson is to facilitate PPG meetings, ensuring that the Group functions appropriately, that there is full participation during meetings, that all relevant matters are discussed and that effective decisions are made and carried out.

A meeting agenda is published on the Practice website and circulated to all members and invitees at least three working days before each meeting. Minutes are distributed to the members (and published on the Practice website) as soon as possible following the meeting.

The members of the PPG maintain confidentiality and will always act in the best interest of the patients free from bias or discrimination.

PPG members have no part to play, nor will they become involved in patients’ personal medical matters. PPG members are committed to open, respectful and constructive discussions – meetings are not a forum for individual complaints and single issues. 

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as applicable from 25 May 2018

I agree to allow my personal information to be stored by Guildhall Surgery PPG so that I may receive information about the PPG and the Practice. I understand that Guildhall Surgery PPG is committed to protecting my privacy and will use my information lawfully in accordance with the Data Protection legislation for the purpose set out in this form.

My information will be held securely.  My information will not be shared with other organisations without my consent. It will only be accessed by Guildhall Surgery PPG Chairperson and authorised persons involved in the projects I have specifically asked to be involved in.

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